Saturday, September 1, 2012

Prop Cops Mission Statement

Propaganda, according to, is "Information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc." With that said, I'd like to start this off by explaining what it is I intend to accomplish here with this blog. I'll begin with just a few of my beliefs surrounding the subject of propaganda and how it will relate to all future content.
  • Propaganda is exactly what says; it isn't helping anyone, or anything. I truly believe that propaganda is hurting this country (as it has hurt many others) in a way that is unprecedented in American History. The citizens of the United States deserve better than to have their "facts" thrown at them in the form of half-truths, sensationalism, demonization, and many other detrimental forms of partisan imagery.
  • Propaganda doesn't "educate" nor is it, in any way, conducive to productive problem solving. All propaganda is good for is this: It enrages the people of all political parties, polarizes the people of the United States, divides the nation, and threatens national morale.
  • Propaganda may indeed list facts, but is always partisan and never tells the whole story.
  • Propaganda is not something that can be stopped, nor should it be. After all, the use of propaganda is an exercise of one's First Amendment rights, which is something that should never be compromised. The only thing I can hope to achieve is to exercise my own First Amendment rights in an attempt to reverse the damage caused by propaganda.
With every post, I will submit a piece of propaganda; one that is flashing in the faces of Americans everywhere. I will explain what the message of such propaganda is trying to communicate and why it is detrimental to its readers. I will then pick apart the message by conducting my own research in an attempt to illustrate the "whole story" behind it. Keep in mind that while facts themselves may be objective, interpretation of such facts are always subjective. Conclusions drawn will always appear partisan as a result. Thank you for reading.


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