Sunday, January 11, 2015

Feeding the War Machine: An Alternative Perspective on Islam and Religious Fundamentalism

       I love freedom of expression. It allows the great Ignorami of the world to convey their shortsightedness in all kinds of ways. What I like even more about freedom of expression is that we also have the right to respond using whatever words we wish to use, no matter how unpopular they may be. The image above conveys a few messages to me; mostly that Christianity is a superior religion. Islam is an inferior religion. Islam is a religion solely responsible for the destruction and arrested development of countries that are predominantly Islamic...and dusty. And that Christianity is a religion solely responsible for the rapid development of countries that are predominantly Christian. The image conveys other messages as well. Where the image was posted and why is another message I can take away. In light of the recent attacks in Paris by Muslim "Extremists" (I'll get to why I quoted that word in a second), there have been many postings of propaganda circulating the internet in order to feed a narrative meant to demonstrate the false idea that Islam is a destructive philosophy of human limitation and that it's a threat to the world. What worries me the most about this kind of propaganda is not that it only misrepresents real Muslims, but that it inadvertently misrepresents persons of other religious belief systems as well. It also serves to dehumanize people who follow a belief system we often misunderstand and/or staunchly disagree with. So who or what benefits the most from this kind of propaganda? Today I'll be talking about the role propaganda has played in the misrepresentation of Islam, religion, and how its phony narratives contribute to the world's real enemy; the International War Machine.

       I'll begin this by telling a story most people have not heard. Once upon a time, Islam founded a civilization that was the most advanced civilization in the world, even more so than Christian civilization. During the Dark Ages, while most of Europe lived in muddy shacks, Islamic cities were developing themselves in ways that most Europeans at the time couldn't even imagine. Their contributions to medicine, surgical techniques, mathematics, encyclopedias, almanacs, and a whole variety of other inventions, art, philosophy, and ideas (still used today) made a gargantuan contribution to Europe's Renaissance movement, which helped to bring Europe out of the Dark Ages. This prosperity of Islamic civilization continued on up through to the fall of Ottoman Empire. So what happened between then and now? Why are so many Arab nations bordering between the 2nd and 3rd world while the West continues to develop in the 1st? To go into every detail would probably require writing a 500+ page book with hundreds of sources, so I'll jump to the part that I believe is the greatest contributor for re-making the world as it exists today; World War I.

       With the exception of the timeline encompassing the Crusades and the surrender of Jerusalem in the late 12th Century, the West had little in conflict with Arab nations on the basis of religion. The struggle between the West and the Ottoman Empire during WWI was a result of their alliance with Germany at the time, and the U.S. was practically suckered into WWI for the sake of "doing the right thing" for our allies against "those evil Germans!" Keep in mind, there were moments in history when propaganda depicted Germans as crazy, mindless, and bloodthirsty savages, much in the way it depicts Muslims, today. For U.S. allies: Britain, France, and Russia (at the time), we went to war and defeated Germany. This defeat of Germany and her allies: Austria-Hungary and Turkey also resulted in the Partitioning of the Ottoman Empire; a process which ended in 1922 and created the "Middle East" as we presently know it (with the exception of Israel because it didn't exist at that time). 

       So what happened after that? Well, the World Zionist Organization (WZO) was then granted Palestinian territories by Britain via the Balfour Declaration. This was because the Palestinian territories were once part of Ottoman rule, but were later mandated to British colonialism after the war ended.

Side-note: The Balfour Declaration was an official document which legitimized a prior backdoor agreement between prominent German Jews (The Rothschilds) of the WZO and Great Britain. So what were the Zionists' payment to Great Britain for such a piece of land? The U.S. involvement in WWI to help Britain defeat Germany, of course. Shortly after the deal took place, the newspapers (which were and still are owned by prominent Jewish Zionists) in the United States went from having a neutral stance towards the Great War (and often times a pro-stance towards Germany) to a "Germans must die!" narrative. This prompted many young Americans to enlist in the armed forces in a call to arms against the "German monstrosity." So, how did the Germans react when they first heard the news of the Balfour Declaration? They flipped a shit, is what happened. They suddenly discovered the U.S. involvement in WWI and the subsequent defeat of Germany and her allies was first orchestrated at the hands of prominent German Jew Zionists for a piece of land that had nothing to do with Germany. And the German Zio-Jews were willing to sell out their own nation and all its' gentile inhabitants in order to get it. This prompted a sharp rise in the resentment toward Jews in Germany at that time, setting the stage for Hitler's Nazi Party, the Holocaust, and their roles in World War II. The War Machine is always hungry. She always needs... to feed! She must eat. All she gets is filthy Orcses (ok, you get the idea).

       World War I also ended the age of absolute monarchy by means of a revolutionary storm which boded just as much trouble to the post-Ottoman regions as it did for most of Europe. As most of the Ottoman Empire was fragmented into various states throughout the Middle East, political instability became an ever-growing problem and those problems continue to echo this day. It is through this political instability, the revolutionary dismantling and reassembling of government bodies, European interests and colonization, and lack of proper leadership that has mostly contributed to the state of arrested development we presently see in many Arab nations. For hundreds of years before this, Islam did quite well for itself and the "War on Terror" never existed during those times, either. So how did "Islamic Extremism" become such a problem in the modern world? Well, the War Machine got tired of eating Germans by the end of World War II, so it decided to switch its appetite to the consumption of Arabs, instead.

      Currently, there exists a trinity of sinister forces at work in this world: Zio-Militarism, Cultural Marxism, and Islamic Extremism, all of which represent a philosophy that is dangerous to everyone. Zio-Militarism represents its' justification of ethnic cleansing of Arab people, the squandering of natural resources in the region, the maltreatment of Palestinians, and the perpetual state of war between Western and Arab nations carried out by the Israeli government and her horrifically unaware puppets (mainly the United States and Great Britain). This movement has existed since the Israeli occupation began in 1948. The second being Cultural Marxism, which is much less of a physical manifestation in the world today as it once was (especially since the fall of the Soviet Union), but still plays an active role in the slow subversion of cultures and political systems around the world into a primal society of perversion; lacking religion, morality, and human compassion. Now, these two forces over the course of decades contributed to the rise of what we call "Radical Islam" or "Islamic Extremism," which represents the most extreme method in which Arabs can resist the first two forces, both of which they consider to be "dangerous philosophies of the West" and an unjustified threat to the Arab world and its inhabitants, both Christians and Muslims. It is also important to consider that the founding members of the Frankfurt School (the Jewish think-tank that invented Marxism/Communism/Atheism as a tool to subvert and enslave a nation and destroy its cultural identity) were the same people who supported and funded the initial Zionist movement that has manifested over the course of a century into what we now know as Israel. Muslim extremists are often phony Muslims, who greatly misunderstand and intentionally misrepresent the teachings of Muhammad as a tool to gain support from other extremists who cannot convey their frustration with the west by any other means outside the use of violence. Yes, they have committed terrible crimes against innocent people and yes, they should be held accountable for those crimes. They are also, however, a manifestation of what happens when a particular group of people are incessantly exposed to an unprecedented level of injustice over the course of several decades. Their numbers, however, account for a fraction of the total Muslim population in the world. So it would be unjust to paint the entire Muslim population with the "terrorist" brush. In the pre-Israel world, Muslims, Christians, and Jews lived alongside each other as neighbors and would even babysit each others' children at times. They didn't care about religious differences back then. So, the general narrative that conveys Islamic extremism hates the west because we live in free, non-Sharia-Law, and non-Muslim societies are false. Real Muslims don't hate the west for those reasons at all. In fact, the spark that ignited the whole Arab-Spring movement in 2011 was for the sole purpose of obtaining basic human rights, freedom of expression, and democracy within their own nations. All the best things about Western society are also coveted by Arabs (Christians and Muslims) across many Arab nations. Their only beef with western society begins and ends with its overwhelming support of Israel and its ideological roots, in addition to Israel's lack of accountability for human rights violations against the Palestinians.

Take a moment to consider some of the Islamic Extremist groups we hear a lot about in the media:
  • Hezbollah "Party of God" - A Shiite group based in southern Lebanon, supported by Syria and Iran and holds seats in the Lebanese Parliament; built for the sole purpose of resisting Israel and its expansion efforts into southern Lebanon.
  • Hamas "Enthusiasm" - A Sunni group based in the Gaza Strip of the Palestinian territories and also an elected authority of Palestine; formed for the purpose of liberating Palestine from Israeli occupation and to expose Israeli war crimes against Palestinians.
  • Al-Nusra "The Victory" - A Sunni group and Al-Qaeda affiliate based in Syria for the purpose of overthrowing the oppressive Assad regime, the head of the Syrian Ba'ath Party; a Marxist political party.
  • Al-Qaeda "The Base" - A Sunni group formed (with the help of U.S. agents) during the Soviet-Afghan War to fight the Soviets and were (surprisingly) U.S. allies during the Cold War as they provided vital intel on the Soviets for the United States during that time.
  • Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant - A Sunni group that most Muslims, Arab Nations, and other Islamic extremist groups actively oppose on all grounds: religiously, philosophically, or militarily. 

        So, you'll see that most of these groups started up as resistance movements against a particular ideology, whether it be Israeli Zionism or Marxism, the Arabs felt were a threat to their identity and their way of life. At the start, it had very little or nothing to do with religious difference or intolerance. It all comes down to politics and the preservation of a culture's identity; along with several decades of political instability, cultural degradation, and corruption within their own nations' governments that began at the close of World War I in 1918. What they fail to realize, however, is that their violent and unacceptable behavior towards ordinary citizens of the west (like the recent attacks in Paris) can only perpetuate the narratives brought against them, which allows the west to easily justify military intervention. In the end, the only beneficiary is Israel.
       "But Israel is our ally!" Yes, we certainly are Israel's ally, being that our military carries out a great deal of destruction and exasperates instability within Arab nations the Israeli government deems a threat to its existence; further perpetuating the fomentation of Islamic Extremist groups. We certainly are a good friend to Israel, but I'm not so convinced the relationship is as bi-lateral as the media makes it out to be. The Israeli government will gladly take our billions in annual contributions and our military might, but smile inwardly whenever people are killed in a terrorist attack. Benjamin Netanyahu and his aides have said so themselves that 9/11 and other terrorist attacks on Americans are good for Israel, because it feeds the "War on Terror" narrative, justifies military campaigns against Arab nations, like Iraq and Afghanistan (which 'coincidentally' flank Iran's eastern and western borders), and garners support for Israel and her interests. Not to mention the U.S. spends an overwhelming amount of money conducting counter-intelligence operations against subversive Mossad agents working within the United States. And has Israel ever helped us in our military campaigns? Has Israel ever sent their own soldiers to the front lines in Iraq and Afghanistan alongside ours? No, they'd prefer to let "the dumb, American, Christian goyim" handle the heavy lifting for them. America stands to gain little from these military campaigns, but loses so much in the process; not just in the way of war spending, but in the number of soldiers lives lost, the number of civilian casualties lost in the cross-fire, and the loss of our own humanity as well. And has our war in Iraq solved any problems on the "War on Terror" front? No. We now have the Islamic State steamrolling the region as a result of the power vacuum left in Iraq after we finally decided to bring our soldiers home. And now our political leaders proceed to entertain the idea of sending our troops back to fix the new ISIS problem, likely resulting in another arduous decade of war the U.S. really cannot afford to wage at the moment. But, the War Machine must feed! So, when will America finally realize that Israel is more of a liability than she is worth? When will America finally realize that our Israeli-centric foreign policy has served only to create more enemies in the Middle East, more American lives lost, more financial corruption, moral corruption, and more tragedy not just for our nation, but for other nations as well? When will The U.S. decide to let Israel stand on its own two feet, to stay out of Middle East affairs, and choose to no longer play games with the lives of ordinary people across the globe who simply want to live their lives and be left alone? In 1796, George  Washington said the following:
"Observe good faith and justice towards all nations; cultivate peace and harmony with all. Religion and morality enjoin this conduct; and can it be, that good policy does not equally enjoin it - It will be worthy of a free, enlightened, and at no distant period, a great nation, to give to mankind the magnanimous and too novel example of a people always guided by an exalted justice and benevolence. Who can doubt that, in the course of time and things, the fruits of such a plan would richly repay any temporary advantages which might be lost by a steady adherence to it ? ...
In the execution of such a plan, nothing is more essential than that permanent, inveterate antipathies against particular nations, and passionate attachments for others, should be excluded; and that, in place of them, just and amicable feelings towards all should be cultivated. The nation which indulges towards another a habitual hatred or a habitual fondness is in some degree a slave. It is a slave to its animosity or to its affection, either of which is sufficient to lead it astray from its duty and its interest. ...
So likewise, a passionate attachment of one nation for another produces a variety of evils. Sympathy for the favorite nation, facilitating the illusion of an imaginary common interest in cases where no real common interest exists, and infusing into one the enmities of the other, betrays the former into a participation in the quarrels and wars of the latter without adequate inducement or justification. ...
As avenues to foreign influence in innumerable ways, such attachments are particularly alarming to the truly enlightened and independent patriot. How many opportunities do they afford to tamper with domestic factions, to practice the arts of seduction, to mislead public opinion, to influence or awe the public councils. Such an attachment of a small or weak towards a great and powerful nation dooms the former to be the satellite of the latter."
                               - George Washington

If George Washington were alive and saw the state of our nation today, he would be disgusted.



Fry, L.,Shishmaref, P. (1997). Waters Flowing Eastward: The War Against the Kingship of Christ.  CPA Books, 4th Ed.

Lina, J. (2014). Under the Sign of the Scorpion. Referent Publishing. 

Ostrovsky, V., Hoy, C. (1990). By Way of Deception: The Making and Unmaking of a Mossad Officer. St. Martin's Press. New York

Reed, D. (2012). The Controversy of Zion. Bridger House Publishers, Inc.

Weir, A. (2014). Against Our Better Judgment: The Hidden History of How the U.S. was Used to Create Israel. Self-publication.